Healthcare in Nova Scotia

The healthcare in Nova Scotia is administered and directed by the Medavie Blue Cross (on behalf of government of Nova Scotia) and the Department of Health and Wellness. Healthcare in Nova Scotia is available to eligible residents of the province, and as a provincially funded public healthcare system. This means that the cost of [...]

2019-02-11T09:05:15+00:00By |0 Comments

Healthcare in British Columbia

Health Insurance BC is the main administrative office of healthcare in British Columbia. It is a combination of five authorities that plan, coordinate and regionally govern 16 healthcare service delivery areas, working together with the Provincial Health Service Authority, which is in charge of the specialized provincial programs and services. The healthcare system is [...]

2019-02-11T09:04:54+00:00By |0 Comments

Finding a Doctor in Quebec: Solutions to the headache

Finding a physician in the Province of Quebec, especially in Montreal, especially if you are a newcomer, can soon become a nightmare if you don’t have a clue where to look for a health professional. You can always launch a YellowPages search but the number and nature of results under “doctor” might be discouraging. [...]

2018-11-16T09:58:06+00:00By |0 Comments
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